Systemic Counselling I Guardian ad litem I Psychological Evaluation I Mediation
M.Sc. Psychologie der Familie (PHB)
Dipl.-Heilpädagogin (Uni Köln)
Systemische Familientherapeutin (SG)
Zertifizierte Systemisch-Lösungsorientierte Sachverständige
Zertifizierte Mediatorin
Zertifizierte Verfahrensbeiständin
Systemic Counselling
Counselling offers an opportunity for you to explore your thoughts and emotions in a safe, confidential setting, the overall aim being to work towards living in a way which is more satisfying and resourceful.
People seek counselling for many reasons. Some are feeling depressed, anxious, having difficulties in relationships or are battling addictions they do not feel able to control. Some come because they feel sad and empty inside and others because of feelings of guilt or low self-esteem. Mostly, people seek counselling because they feel stuck, unsatisfied or lost in their lives.
Counselling may be concerned with addressing and resolving specific problems, offer support in decision making or coping with a crisis, assist in improving relationships with others or provide a place where inner conflict can be voiced and worked through. I will gladly support you in finding solutions and coping strategies in order to improve your quality of life again. I do not see my task as a therapist in giving you advice or giving you an assessment, but in listening to you, always respecting your values and capacity for choice and helping you explore whatever it is that is troubling you, and through our work together, facilitate any changes you may wish to make.
It is extremely important to me to be as authentic as I can in the counselling room, offering a relationship in which you will hopefully feel deeply heard and accepted. I have an open, honest, non-judgemental approach, which allows expression and exploration. I will listen and help you to understand how past experiences, concerns about the future or issues surrounding self-confidence may affect your life now. Together we can reflect on how you respond to past or present events in your life and begin to explore the way that you relate to yourself and others. I am compassionate and dedicated in supporting you to make changes you may wish to make - but at the same time to accept and value yourself. I believe in empowering you to find the potential for growth that is innately within you. You know yourself best and, given the right environment, I believe it is possible for you to access those inner resources
... and begin to live life more fully.
What is systemic practice?
Systemic therapy and practice seeks to understand the individual in relationship with others, rather than in isolation. The individual is regarded as part of a larger unit or system, for example, a couple, a family, an organisation or a community.
Systemic therapy and practice seeks to identify deeply entrenched patterns within an individual's relationships and also with family members. The process helps to uncover the ways in which members communicate and behave within a system, based on beliefs about their respective roles. The systemic approach focuses on understanding and recognizing unhealthy patterns in relationship dynamics so that they can be altered within existing systems, rather than examining the origins of those patterns.
Systemic therapy and practice is solution- and resource-based,
i.e. it focuses on your personal strengths and abilities.
For more infomation please contact: Systemische Gesellschaft (SG);
Deutsche Gesellschaft für systemische Therapie und Familientherapie (DGSF) or
Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice (AFT)
What I offer
Individual counselling / therapy
Couples and marriage counselling / therapy
Family counselling / therapy
Separation and divorce counselling / Mediation
Parent counselling / coaching
Counselling & supervision for foster parents
Crisis intervention
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein
Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It's the way it is.
The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
Virginia Satir
Feel free to contact me
Praxis für Systemische Beratung
& Lösungsorientierte Arbeit
Victoria Schüller
Maxstr. 41
53111 Bonn
You will find me central in Bonn-Altstadt. Tram-Stop Stadthaus
or Stadthaus Parkdeck
Postanschrift: Postfach 1170, 53308 Bornheim
Tel. 0228 387 56 287
Mobil 0170 710 75 25
Fax. 0228 763 662 30
E-Mail: mail(at)
Praxis für Systemische Beratung
& Lösungsorientierte Arbeit
Victoria Schüller
Maxstr. 41
53111 Bonn
Tel. 0228 387 56 287
Mobil 0170 710 75 25
Fax. 0228 763 662 30
© 2018 von Victoria Schüller